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Why are Grease Eradication Systems becoming so popular?

08, Dec 2016

The New Year period is traditionally one of the busiest times of the year in Dubai and around the world, with tourists and locals alike flocking to restaurants, hotels and malls to take in the holiday period. This increase in demand puts huge pressure on the food and beverage and hospitality industries, particularly on the drainage network. All year round, build ups of grease and fat in kitchen drainlines, blockages and overflowing, smelly grease traps are common problems faced by restaurants, hotels, malls and any food and beverage outlet with commercial or industrial scale food preparation operations. In a climate where budgets are constantly being squeezed, these types of businesses are increasingly looking for affordable maintenance solutions. One such solution that has become increasingly popular in recent times is the Grease Eradication System (GES).

What is a Grease Eradication System?

A GES is a 24/7 unit designed to solve the problem of grease accumulation in drainage networks. Generally speaking, they work by using a dosing pump to inject a set amount of solution directly into drainlines, preventing grease accumulation at source. The most effective GES’s use biological dosing to break down Fat, Oil and Grease (FOGs).

What are the benefits of biological dosing?

Biological dosing involves injecting live grease-eating microbes into kitchen drainlines. These microbes produce a range of enzymes which actively break down grease and fat in the drainage system and maintain a constant flow throughout the network. And because the only by-products of aerobic digestion are CO2 and water, biological dosing is also a safe, environmentally friendly solution to grease build-ups.  

Tetra Axis’s microbial grease digester Drain-life is a powerful waste degrader, containing 100 million grease-eating bacteria per ml. Certified by Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology, it has proven to be a complete solution to the problem of fat, oil and grease in drainage systems. To find out more about Drain-Life, click here

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